torsdag 25 november 2010

How to jailbreak Iphone 3GS on firmware 4.1 with Limera1n

Note: Im not taking responsibility for any damages or changes that your phone goes through. You do this on your own risk, I'm just telling you how to do it.

This jailbreak only works with the iphone 3GS on the firmware 4.1 as far as I know. It may work with other firmwares/iphones, but this tutorial is just about the 3GS 4.1.

1. If you want to know exactly how to prepare for the jailbreak, look at my earlier tutorial that shows you how to jailbreak your iphone with spirit jailbreak 3.1.3. When you're done preparing everything, start by going to and download limera1n or get the file limera1n.exe in some other way. When it's finished downloading, save it on your desktop or some other place that's easy to access.

2. Now, when iTunes is closed and your phone is plugged in and ready, launch the limera1n.exe file.
A box with a button with the text "make it ra1n" will pop up. Click it.

3. Now it will tell you to hold down both your lock-button and your home-button. Do this, and after a while you can let go of the lock-button but still hold down the home button.
It's not necessary to tell you what to do in pictures really, because limera1n will tell you step by step what you should do. If you do it wrong it will tell you that you should do it again and if you did it right, a box will pop up and tell you that it's done. When it's done, a picture of a green waterdrop will pop up on your phone. When it's gone, just restart your phone. Then, you should have a new app on your homescreen that says limera1n and has the limera1n logo. Click it. When you've done that, you will see the choice to install Cydia. Do that, it will tell you how you should do it. When that's done, you should have a new app called Cydia on your homescreen. Read my earlier step-by-step tutorial about how to use Cydia if you don't know how.

Thank you for reading, I hope this tutorial helped. If you have any questions just leave them as comments

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