måndag 29 november 2010

Best Cydia apps

This is a list of the apps I think you need to have when you've got Cydia.

1. Installous - Download all the apps you want for free.

2. Winterboard - Be able to customize the look of your idevice as you want such as changing background, make your apps transparent and such.

3. Backgrounder - Run many apps at the same time (This app is not interesting if you've got the firmware 4.0 and further).

4. OpenSSH - Be able to reach into your device through the computer and edit files etc.

5. Categories - Be able to put your apps into folders (Not interesting if you've got the firmware 4.0 and further).

6. SBSettings - Just drag your finger in the top of your screen and a little box will pop up where you can turn off and change some small things such as Wi-Fi, Brightness, Bluetooth, 3G and so on. Very handy if you're in the middle of something and just want to change things fast. This can be done in any app or program on your iphone.

Thank you for reading, if you've got any questions, just leave them as comments.

söndag 28 november 2010

How to jailbreak your iPhone/iPod 4.0, 4.0.1 with Jailbreakme

Note: I'm not taking responsibility for any damages or changes that your phone goes through. Everything you do is at your own risk, this is just a guide that tells you how to do it.

This jailbreak is entirely done in your iphone's safari, you don't even need a computer. But to be sure that nothing goes wrong and you loose a lot of stuff, syncronize your iDevice with iTunes.

When you've done that, plug out your phone from your computer (You don't need to do that, but there's no reason to keep it plugged in).

1. Now, open safari and visit the site http://jailbreakme.com/

2. There should just be a page with some text and a "slide button" in the bottom that says "Slide To Jailbreak". So, just slide it.

3.  Now you will see a loading bar, so it's just to wait until it has finished loading. Don't press the home button or something, just wait until it's totally clear that it's done. You know that it's done when a message pop's up and tells you that "Cydia has been added to the home screen".

4. Done! Nothing else to do. Your device is jailbroken. If you want to know how to use cydia, check out my earlier tutorial about how to use cydia.

Thanks for reading, hope this tutorial was helpful. If you have any questions, comment and ask me

torsdag 25 november 2010

How to jailbreak Iphone 3GS on firmware 4.1 with Limera1n

Note: Im not taking responsibility for any damages or changes that your phone goes through. You do this on your own risk, I'm just telling you how to do it.

This jailbreak only works with the iphone 3GS on the firmware 4.1 as far as I know. It may work with other firmwares/iphones, but this tutorial is just about the 3GS 4.1.

1. If you want to know exactly how to prepare for the jailbreak, look at my earlier tutorial that shows you how to jailbreak your iphone with spirit jailbreak 3.1.3. When you're done preparing everything, start by going to http://www.limera1n.com/ and download limera1n or get the file limera1n.exe in some other way. When it's finished downloading, save it on your desktop or some other place that's easy to access.

2. Now, when iTunes is closed and your phone is plugged in and ready, launch the limera1n.exe file.
A box with a button with the text "make it ra1n" will pop up. Click it.

3. Now it will tell you to hold down both your lock-button and your home-button. Do this, and after a while you can let go of the lock-button but still hold down the home button.
It's not necessary to tell you what to do in pictures really, because limera1n will tell you step by step what you should do. If you do it wrong it will tell you that you should do it again and if you did it right, a box will pop up and tell you that it's done. When it's done, a picture of a green waterdrop will pop up on your phone. When it's gone, just restart your phone. Then, you should have a new app on your homescreen that says limera1n and has the limera1n logo. Click it. When you've done that, you will see the choice to install Cydia. Do that, it will tell you how you should do it. When that's done, you should have a new app called Cydia on your homescreen. Read my earlier step-by-step tutorial about how to use Cydia if you don't know how.

Thank you for reading, I hope this tutorial helped. If you have any questions just leave them as comments

How to get Winterboard and how to use it

In this guide I will show you how to install the popular app Winterboard, which is a customization program that allows you to change the look and theme on your app board as you want to.

1. Start by launching Cydia and go to the "Search" - tab. Now search for "Winterboard", and you will find it on the top of the list.

2. Now click it and it will lead you to the install page. Where it says "modify" on the picture I've posted, it should say "Install" for you, it's different because I've already installed it. Now when you've clicked Install, Just click "confirm" in the upper right corner exactly as you did with Installous.

3.When the download is done, click the big button in the bottom that should say "respring" or "restart springboard". When you've done that, you will see a new app on your homepage with all your apps. It should be Winterboard.

4. Now launch Winterboard. The page you see should look like it does on the picture of me doing this. The thing you should care about is the "Select Themes" section. So click that.

5. Now you should get a list of different things that you can tick on/off. Here I will let you explore the different things you can change yourself. When you've ticked the thing/things you wanted to, just press the home button or if you want to, click respring. It doesn't really matter.

6. When you've done this, your iphone will load for a few seconds. Don't panic if it takes some time, it will be done loading sooner or later. After that you should see the changes you've made.

Thank you for following this tutorial, if you have any questions or something you want to say, just leave a comment. I hope this tutorial helped you. In my next guide, I will show you how to jailbrak your iphone 3GS on firmware 4.1 with the limera1n jailbreak

onsdag 24 november 2010

How to get Installous and how to use it

Now when you're familiar with cydia, let's get the most attractive app according to me, "Installous".
Installous is like more or less like appstore, it's just that everything is free. All the apps (almost all of the apps) from appstore is listed in Installous and you can download them for free from private people that are seeding the ipa's.

1. Start by opening Cydia. Wait until it's done loading, and then go to the "Manage" tab. Then select "Sources". When you've done that, you will see a button in the upper right corner of the screen that says "Edit". Press that.

2. When you've done that, you will see a button on the upper left of the screen that says "Add". Now press that one.

3. Now a new box that says "Enter Cydia/APT URL" will appear, and it will let you write an adress. It should already say "http://", but if not, just add it yourself. Then write "cydia.hackulo.us", so it looks like it does on the picture of me doing it. Then click "Add Source".

4. Now you will see that the source Hackulo.us has been added. Press "done" in the upper right corner.

5. Now, press the source "Hackulo.us". Now you will see a list with different programmes that you can download. Just scroll down until you find the one named "Installous".

6. When you've found "Installous", click on it and then in the upper right corner on the button that says "Install". That will lead you to another page that shows you what you will be downloading. Just press the button in the upper right corner again that says confirm. Now you will see all the files that are being downloaded. If it for some reason pops up a message that says "Unknown date format", just press okay, it doesn't mean anything. (This happens to some people). When it's done downloading, just press the big button in the bottom of the screen that says "Go back to Cydia" and close cydia (go to your usual home board with all your apps). Now you should have a new app on your screen that looks like this.

If you have this app on your screen now, it means that you've done the install with success. Now a small tutorial how to use Installous for downloading apps.

7. This is the screen you will see everytime you start Installous. It's the homepage. From here you can navigate yourself to the kind of apps you want to have, for example games or sometjhing else as you can see. You can also choose to see all apps. In the bottom of the screen you have tabs that you probably recognize a little bit from appstore. You use the "search" tab if you want to search an app that you want to have, and the "updates" tab is just updates for your installed apps as usual. The "downloads" section shows you what apps you're downloading at the time. This page will of course be empty as long as you're not downloading anything. And the "settings" tab is just as you see, settings. You can change som settings for how you want your download to act and so on, you will see yourself.

8. So now, how do you download the app you want to have? Let me show you. I searched for "need for speed hot pursuit". Now, I started by clicking the "download" button.

9. Now, you will see a list of seeders. The size of the list depends on how many people that are seeding this app, and in this case there were only two. Just choose one of them, it doesn't really matter. If one of the links aren't seeding, just go back and pick another one.

10. They often want you to wait for the download link to appear on the site you're downloading from or maybe they want you to write some numbers so they can see that you're not a spamming programme or something. But when you've done that, you're automaticly being sent to the "Downloads" tab, where you will see the app you've chosen and a bar on the right side of it that represents how muich of the app that has been downloaded.

11. When your app is finished downloading, it will say that it's finished. Or if you've set the settings to "remove app when finished downloading", you will know that it has been downloaded just by seeing that the "Downloads" section is empty. Now just go home to your board with all your apps, and you will see the new app. Just click on it and it will be launched just as if you had downloaded it from appstore.

Thanks for following this tutorial. If you have a question, leave it as a comment. In my next tutorial I will show you how to get the popular customizing app "Winterboard".

tisdag 23 november 2010

How to get started and use Cydia

Now when you're sitting there with your jailbroken iPhone or Ipod touch and don't know what to do with Cydia, let me show you how to get started.

1. If this is the first time you open Cydia, the screen will look a little bit different. On the screen you're looking at, choose the option that says "normal user" or something, don't choose programmer or the other one. When you've done that, you will see the screen on this picture. This is the homepage of Cydia. From here you can navigate to the newest apps or most popular and so on. What you really need to look at is the tabs att the bottom of the page, which will navigate you to different things.

2. If you press the tab on the right you will come to the "sections" part. Here you will see a list of all the things you can find in Cydia. For example you can find themes, programmes, games, pictures, addons, everything. Just scroll down and make your way through, you will easily find what you search for.

3. Next, you will see the "changes". This is only interesting if you already have some stuff installed from Cydia already, because this is, as it says, the changes that are made to the things you have installed. Basically it's just about upgrading your things to later versions.

4. Now we're at the "Manage". Here you've got 3 choices, "Packages", "Source", and "Storage". Packages and storage are easy to understand, it already says what they do. Sources might be a bit tricky though, but it's used to , for example, get the very popular and useful app Installous, which I will show you how to do in my next tutorial. It works like that you enter an own adress or scroll down the already existing sources andthen install programmes by choosing a source. The adress you enter will tell Cydia what to look for.

5. The last tab is called "Search" and that's exactly what you use it for. you search for the things you're looking for in Cydia.

Thanks for reading, I hope it was helping. If you have any questions, leave them as a comment. In next tutorial, I will show you how to get Installous and how to use it.

måndag 22 november 2010

How to jailbreak your iPhone with Spirit Jailbreak 3.1.2 & 3.1.3

First of all, I'm not taking responsibility for any damages or problems with your idevice. You do this on your own risk.

Start by syncronizing your iphone or ipod with your computer, transfer all your photos and music/movies that you want to be sure not to loose, to your computer. Be in knowledge of the fact that in the worst case, you could loose all your files and apps on your phone. Thats why you have to be sure to have everything on your computer if that would happen.

When you're prepared:

1. Go to http://spiritjb.com/ or find another way to download the file spirit.exe . When the file is done downloading, put it on your desktop or some other place that's easy to access. Notice that this guide only works for iphone/ipod touch on firmware 3.1.2 and 3.1.3. Tutorials for later versions will have to wait. Also, this is a unthethered jailbreak which is very good, because that means that you can restart your device as much as you want without making it go to recovery mode.

2. Plug in your iphone to your computer. If iTunes pops up, just close it. As earlier I tell you once again, check that your iphone in syncronized with your computer.

3. Now when iTunes is closed, you've got the Spirit.exe icon on your desktop and your iphone is plugged in, start up Spirit.exe  . It will pop up a little window with a button in the middle that says "Jailbreak".
For you, it will look a little bit different from the picture, since I didn't have my iPhone plugged in at the time, but it still follows my guide. You will be able to press the "Jailbreak" button.

4. When you've pressed the button, the program will be loading for a while on the computer. Also, it will pop up a picture on your iphone/ipod touch that looks like a purple shining, with a loading bar in it. Your iphone will tell you when it's finished, and you will also see when the bar is finished loading.

5. When your iphone has restarted (it will do this automatically), you won't see any difference at first, only that there's a new app on your screen called Cydia. Now you know your iphone is jailbroken.

6. In my other guides I will tell you how to use cydia to get different apps that are popular and useful/enjoyable for your jailbroken iPhone. Thanks for reading, comment and tell me what you think about my tutorial or if you have any questions.